The PVPC, in collaboration with VHB, has prepared a comprehensive Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Assessment and Deployment Plan for the Pioneer Valley Region – inclusive of communities within Hampshire and Hampden Counties.
PVPC EV Charging Stations Report_Final.pdf

The City of Northampton will be holding two in-person events to review the design and environmental components of the Main Street Rebuild Project:
609286_Flyer_Outreach Meetings_2024-0123.pdf

609286_Flyer_Outreach Meetings_2024-0123_Spanish.pdf

Top 100 High Crash Intersections 2015_2017.pdf

Proposed Amendment 2023 Highway TIP (CLICK HERE TO VIEW)

Join a Focus Group
2023 Massachusetts Freight Plan - Flyer.pdf

The 2023 Massachusetts Freight Plan is a planning document that will define short and long-term vision for the multimodal freight system in the Commonwealth. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is hostin
HO_Virtual Public Info Mtg_DEC22.pdf

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will be hosting a Design Public Hearing for the Piney Lane over Broad Brook Bridge in Ludlow, MA on December 14, 2022 at 6 PM.
12.14.22 Ludlow Bridge Replacement Flyer (1).pdf

Proposed Amendment to the FFY 2022 Highway Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
FFY 22 5310 Awards_Highway TIP Amendment July 2022.pdf

Proposed Amendment to the FFY 2022 Highway Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
TIP Amendement Janaury 2022.pdf