The goal of this study is to improve the efficiency of the regional transportation system to provide efficient access for all transportation modes to services and employment while encouraging development that enhances the livability of the Merrick and Memorial neighborhoods in West Springfield, M
Merrick Tornado Recovery FINAL Report 2012.pdf
Appendix - Redevelopment Parcel Data Summary Sheets 05-19-14.pdf
WSPG FBZ DISTRICTS AMENDMENT 7.0-7.08 Form-Based Zoning District Regulations Draft 5 Full Doc.pdf
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION NOTICE in English, Spanish and Russian.pdf
April 9 Public Meeting Presentation.pdf
May 14 Public Meeting Presentation.pdf
The PVMPO has extended the Public Review for the Proposed Changes to the TEC until Monday June 16, 2014. We are interested in your comments on the proposed new TEC and how it functions to evaluate potential transportation improvement projects.
Proposed New Scoring Summary Sheets.pdf
ProposedTEC Template including modifications discussed at 9_10_14 JTC.xlsx
GreenDOT Goals and TEC.pdf
TEC is the system utilized by the Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to determine the regional impact of Federal Aid eligible tran
Proposed New Scoring Summary Sheets.pdf
Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released the draft UPWP <
Pioneer Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has released the draft TIP
Draft 2015-2018 TIP_Report June2014.pdf
DRAFT 2015-2018 TRANSIT TIP_APRIL282014PR.pdf
DRAFT 2015-18 Pioneer Valley_May 27 2014.pdf
Draft Federal Fiscal Year 2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) currently our for public review until June 2, 2014.
The Pioneer Valley TIP is a four-year schedule of priority highway, bridge, transit, and multimodal projects identified by year and location complete with funding source and cost
2015-18 Pioneer Enforsed June 23, 2015.pdf
2015 - 2018 Proposed changes to TIP_May 2015.pdf
Final 2015-2018 TIP_web.pdf
2015-18 Pioneer Valley_Endorsed June 18 2014.pdf
Final2015-2018 TRANSIT TIP_June 18 2014.pdf
The Valley Vision plan lays out a detailed strategy to promote compact, mixed use growth in and around urban, town, and village centers while promoting the protection of open space and natural resources outside the developed center.
PVPC Valley Vision 4.pdf
Executive Summary Land Use.pdf
The purpose of the Regional Housing Plan is to identify opportunities related to housing market stability, housing affordability and fair access to housing in the Pioneer Valley in order to create a region in which all residents are able to choose housing that is affordable and appropriate to the
PV Housing Plan.pdf
Executive Summary Housing.pdf
The Green Infrastructure Plan is meant to assist communities in the region as they continue the journey toward a more environmentally sustainable stormwater management program.