I-91 Viaduct Study Public Information Meeting

Join the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the final Public Information Meeting on the I-91 Viaduct Study
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel
Mahogany Room, 2nd Floor
One Monarch Place, Springfield
MassDOT is hosting the third and final public information meeting on the Interstate 91 (I-91) Viaduct Study. The I-91 Viaduct Study is a conceptual planning study to develop recommendations for a long-term vision for I-91. MassDOT initiated this study to identify existing issues and evaluate alternatives for improvements to the I-91 corridor from US-20/Plainfield Street to the Connecticut state line.
At this meeting, the project team will present an overview of the draft recommendations and the Draft Final Report. The public is encouraged to attend to learn more about the recommendations and provide feedback.
For more information, visit the study website:
This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated documents, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language). For more information or to request reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please contact MassDOT’s Director of Civil Rights by phone at (857) 368-8580, TTD/TTY at (857) 368-0603, fax (857) 368-0602 or by email to MASSDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us by September 5.