Draft Top 100 High Crash Intersections in the Pioneer Valley Report

The Top 100 High Crash Intersections Report is a listing of locations in the Pioneer Valley region with a high occurrence of collisions during calendar years 2015 – 2017. Crashes are weighted based on the severity of the crashes using the “Equivalent Property Damage Only” or EPDO methodology where fatal and serious injury crashes receive a score of 21 while all other crashes receive a score of 1. This listing of high crash intersections is the first step in identifying opportunities to advance safety improvements. Each location is reviewed to identify recently completed and planned roadway improvement projects. Locations found to have no planned safety improvements or that do not experience a decrease in EPDO after the implementation of safety improvements are considered for more in-depth study. These studies are coordinated by the PVPC with MassDOT and the local community. The draft report can be accessed through the following link:
In addition to the draft report, PVPC has also developed an interactive map of crash locations. This map can be accessed via this link: http://pvmpo.pvpc.org/top-100-high-crash-intersections/ and will be updated on a regular basis.
Comments and questions on the draft Top 100 High Crash Intersections Report can be directed in writing to Gary Roux, gmroux@pvpc.org or Khyati Parmar, kparmar@pvpc.org . Comments will be accepted until December 31, 2020